Selasa, 15 Agustus 2017

Vintage Blueprints Cash Bonanza Review and Bonus by Stuart Turnbull

Vintage Blueprints Cash Bonanza Review and Bonus by Stuart Turnbull - Get download this Patent Art Print wall poster illustration gift in blackboard, whiteboard, greenboard for vintage wall decoration

Vintage Blueprints Cash Bonanza is best course shows people, from Newbie to Expert, how to easily and successfully set up and sell vintage blueprints (in many niches from musical, to nautical to sci fi to classic cars and MORE!!). THIS IS A GREAT business that can even be set up on 'autopilot'! THIS APPEALS TO A WIDE AUDIENCE BECAUSE IT DOES NOT REQUIRE A WEBSITE TO MAKE GREAT MONEY! This product is a step by step in depth yet easy to follow course (with high value bonuses) that shows people how they can start and grow a profitable “automated” vintage patent blueprints business that cashes in on the ever popular and hugely growing online gifts market. This is a TRUE business people can take pride in! Everything is covered from how to source and customize the patent blueprints to how to market the products successfully.
This course teaches you how to tap into the lucrative online gifts market by sourcing a particular type of art that is available for FREE in the public domain archives. These art designs are simple to customize (the course shows you how) and can be sold as physical products or as instantly downloadable “printables”. A printable is a piece of art that you create on your computer and sell as a digital file - your customer simply downloads it and prints it at home. The unique thing about selling printables is that you create your product once and profit from it many times (an unlimited number of times!!) You never ship anything to your customers and, best of all, you don't even need a website! This idea is, in fact, the nearest thing I have come across yet to a fully automated business - once you have created your range of printables the selling platform (Stuart uses Etsy) takes care of everything else - that said please don’t think that you can set this business up with no work - of course there is work involved - if you want to sell a lot of printables you will need to create a good range of designs and this will take a fair amount of work. If you are thinking that this idea is of no interest to you because you aren’t arty - then think again – Stuart's “secret weapon” is the public domain archives and he shows you step by step how to source your designs for free. Stuart’s course also walks you through the finer points of setting up your Etsy shop, listing your printables and driving traffic to them.

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